Pine Wiki

Description[ | ]

Screenshot-Amphiscus Orb-331

Vurr T'wunni in his tower next to the Icon-Item-Amphiscus OrbAmphiscus Orb nearby

Vurr T'wunni is a Icon-Species-Affinity-KrockerKrocker High Shaman that lives in a tower in Soggy Woodlands that forms part of the quest Icon-Quest-MainThe Trial of the Warrior. He helps out Icon-Species-Text-HumanHue by telling him how to attract the Icon-Critter-Taming-BleekerDark Beast and giving him the Icon-Item-Dark Beast BaitDark Beast Bait, telling him to go kill the monster and taking the Icon-Item-Dark Beast's EyeDark Beast's Eye while it's still palpitating. Then, trought a clairvoyance using the eye, tells Icon-Species-Text-HumanHue to poison the chief of the Icon-Species-Affinity-KrockerKrocker capital.

Appearance[ | ]

Vurr T'wunni appearance is slightly different from his Icon-Species-Affinity-KrockerKrocker comrades as he wears a full-body bone armor while holding a bone spear, similar to the Icon-Species-Affinity-KrockerKrocker's Chief clothing.

Quest participation[ | ]
