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Pine Wiki

Open all Albamare chests in the open world.

Take This is one of Pine's achievements. Its objective is to open all 14 Albamare Chests in the game.

Opening 14 Albamare Chests requires 14 Icon-Item-Albamare KeyAlbamare Keys, which can be crafted from 112 Icon-Item-Key GraphiteKey Graphite. To get to some of the chests Icon-Species-Text-HumanHue has to own specific Outfindings (see the Requirements column in the table below).


Screenshot Area Requirements Reward X Y Z Interactive Map
Screenshot-Chest-993 Sparse Fields Spoiler
Icon-Item-Taming BandsTaming Bands and
Icon-Item-Conducting LanternConducting Lantern or Icon-Item-Scouting LensScouting Lens
Icon-Idea-Hunter's SwordHunter's Sword Idea
-802.814 62.4656 -483.082 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-994 Mt. Telkin Spoiler
Icon-Item-Conducting LanternConducting Lantern and
Icon-Item-Scouting LensScouting Lens or Icon-Item-Taming BandsTaming Bands
Icon-Idea-Hunter's VestHunter's Vest Idea
-674.151 147.932 449.85 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-995 Mt. Telkin None Spoiler
Icon-Idea-Outgoer's Arm GuardsOutgoer's Arm Guards Idea
-636.5 195.317 280.5 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-19 Shore Cliffs None Spoiler
Icon-Idea-Wedgewood SwordWedgewood Sword Idea
-462.023 78.9668 -495.333 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-8 Pollen Fields Spoiler
Icon-Item-Conducting LanternConducting Lantern
Icon-Idea-Broadhead ArrowBroadhead Arrow Idea
-366.974 77.5838 -126.867 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-996 Northern Plateaus Spoiler
Icon-Item-Conducting LanternConducting Lantern
Icon-Idea-Hunter's Arm GuardsHunter's Arm Guards Idea
-274.85 119.41 456.8 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-9 Wedgewoods None Spoiler
Icon-Idea-Outgoer's ShinguardsOutgoer's Shinguards Idea
-222.682 62.5128 -293.621 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-10 Shore Cliffs None Spoiler
Icon-Idea-Outgoer's ShieldOutgoer's Shield Idea
-77.9975 27.6158 -878.912 Show on map
Soggy Woodlands Spoiler
Icon-Item-Taming BandsTaming Bands
Icon-Idea-Hunter's PantsHunter's Pants Idea
163.618 68.5368 326.599 Show on map
Soggy Woodlands Spoiler
Icon-Item-Taming BandsTaming Bands
and one of:
Icon-Item-Explosive KegExplosive Keg
or Icon-Item-Explosive ArrowExplosive Arrow
or Icon-Item-Explosive TripwireExplosive Tripwire
or Icon-Item-Conducting LanternConducting Lantern
Icon-Idea-Hunter's BootsHunter's Boots Idea
276.75 32.1856 744.78 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-13 Dusty Springs None Spoiler
Icon-Idea-Outgoer's TrousersOutgoer's Trousers Idea
314.181 86.3538 49.4153 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-999 Tunnel Dunes Spoiler
Icon-Item-Scouting LensScouting Lens
Icon-Idea-Outgoer's SwordOutgoer's Sword Idea
389.955 107.817 -239.521 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-1000 Dusty Springs Spoiler
Icon-Item-Scouting LensScouting Lens and
Icon-Item-Conducting LanternConducting Lantern or Icon-Item-Taming BandsTaming Bands
Icon-Idea-Hunter's BowHunter's Bow Idea
484.69 31.1236 166.13 Show on map
Screenshot-Chest-1001 Dry Bay None Spoiler
Icon-Idea-Outgoer's JacketOutgoer's Jacket Idea
619.14 31.4668 -486.93 Show on map